How Social Scientists Taught You to Close More Deals

People. You just never know what they’ll do next.

But if you really believe real estate is a people business, then any effort you make to better understand yourself and how others tick will make your business flow and your bank account grow.

Fortunately, a couple of social scientists have developed tools that can help you shed light on the mystery of human behavior and get a better handle on personalities…yours and others’.

For example, Wilson Learning’s “Social Styles” puts personalities into four quadrants designed to help you work with individuals in different situations.

The Enneagram Personality Insight for Business sends you on a journey of personal and organizational discovery so you can mesh easier with others.

And the Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation Behavior program uncovers how your needs affect your behavior towards others.

All have received rave reviews.

But the one I’ve found to be particularly useful in real estate is the DISC profiling system (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance).

D relates to control, power and assertiveness.

I looks at how a person approaches social situations.

S is the factor of patience, persistence and thoughtfulness.

C describes a person’s approach to structure and organization.

DISC can help you identify your behavioral profile, appreciate different profiles and capitalize on your own behavioral strengths.

It can also help you anticipate and minimize potential conflicts, hire the right people and manage people in sales environments…all essential tasks in real estate.

Bob Corcoran introduced DISC to one of his clients, Valerie Hunter-Kelly, a Realtor in Clarksville, TN, when she and Bob met about three years ago. She says it has helped her better understand how to relate to co-workers and clients on their level.

“Before, I just communicated based on my personality style, but now I understand others’ personalities so I don’t get as frustrated with them as much because I understand it’s not personal it’s just the way they communicate.”

Hunter-Kelly says she now identifies every client’s personality type based on her understanding of the DISC and then shares that information with the staff member who’s charged with helping the client get to closing.

“I always ask my buyers’ agent what the client’s personality profile is because I know it helps close deals,” she says.

She says now when a problem arises, it’s typically because the agent doesn’t know the client’s personality style.

“As soon as I meet anyone, I automatically identify their personality type so I’ll know how to relate to them,” she says. “It’s just a natural part of what I do now.”

Yes, understanding people, listening to their needs and wants and responding appropriately all take a lot of work and attention. But because this is a people business, it’s simply a must.

And the better at it you become, the better living you’ll make as an agent or broker. I promise.

So tell me, have you filled out any of these personality profile tests? What did you think?

*Bob Corcoran is a nationally recognized speaker who is the founder of Corcoran Consulting, an international consulting & coaching company that specializes in performance coaching, and the implementation of sound business systems.

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Anne West

I did the DISC instrument years ago when I worked in a corporate job (I am primarily an ‘I’, with high ‘D’). One thing that really stuck with me was how each profile approached problem-solving:
If there’s a wall between your team and where you need to go, a “D” will lead the charge to knock the wall down, the “I” will TALK everyone over the wall, the “S” will HELP people climb the wall and the “C” will MEASURE the wall.
I found it helped a lot in dealings with co-workers, especially those who are “S” or “C” because they are so different from me; and I think I must have internalized it because I still tend to profile people I meet either with DISC or Myers-Briggs, which I’ve taken a few times too (I’m an ENTJ)

Gary Elwood

Yes, Anne, that is so true. [You got me chuckling over here on your illustration.] I’m guessing you find it helpful to see these distinctions? In my mind it forces us to avoid using a cookie-cutter approach and customize our approaches to how we nurture relationships. Do you agree?


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