Gimpy Website? 5 Techniques to Create a Killer One

Okay. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that if you’re a real estate agent, you probably have a website.

No surprise there.

But let me go even further out on that limb and say you’re probably not sure if it’s a good website or not…

First of all, you’re not sure if people are actually making it to your site. Second, you’re not sure if the people who are finding your website or blog are actually finding what they need.

Am I right?

To make matters worse, it costs money to host your website or blog. [Not a lot. But if you’re not making money, even a little money is hard to lose, right?]

You’ve got two options, really. Ditch the hobbling website/blog or make it kick butt.

If you answered “make it kick butt,” then you’ve come to the right place.

1. Make It Big, Simple and Short

People come to a website for one reason and one reason only: To get information. They’ve got a burning question or need–“how do I stage my home?” or “I need to sell…now!”–and you’ve got to answer that question or satisfy that need.


See, people won’t look long or hard. More than likely they’ll skim and scan web pages. That’s why you need to make everything you write clear and concise. And the most important details must stand out.

If you want them to call you for a free consultation…spell it out loud and clear on your home page. In fact, every page should include a call to action.

2. Know Thy Audience

Who are you writing for? You should know your audience. And know them well. Only then will you be able to convey a message that will reach prospects personally. Find out what your audience wants to know…and then write to them specifically.

3. Empty Your Home Page

This may surprise you, but your home page should NOT contain the bulk of your information. Your home page is more for branding and encouraging people to find what they are looking for deeper in the site.

The links and short descriptions on your homepage should be clear enough that the reader doesn’t have to guess where they’ll end up. Bottom line: Simplify your home page.

One more thing: It is always helpful to have a search box. It makes the reader feel more comfortable on your site.

4. Think Pathway Pages

Your pathway pages [pages channeling off your home page] contain the answer to your reader’s question–they exist as a path to your reader’s ultimate destination.

Clarity is key here as you drive them deeper, with more specific information. And keep in mind, it doesn’t really matter how many click-thrus you have until your destination, as long as the path is extremely clear along the way.

Also, don’t forget that call to action on every page.

5. Prevent Reader Overload

When thinking about how long to make a web page, think about what the reader is looking for: Are they going to print this page out? Is this too much information?

If it’s too much information on one page, consider breaking your pages down into topics and sub-topics.

By the way: Use PDFs sparingly. PDFs are miserable to read online. They should only be used when a reader needs all the information on the document.

And if you must use a PDF, warn the reader.


Okay, you’re making your website or blog drop-dead easy to find and use. But is it compelling?

If you need help deciding exactly what you should say on your blog or website then join us next week where we’ll look at six guidelines to help you focus your essential message so it’s clear, concise and compelling.

Did you find this article helpful? If so, leave a comment or subscribe to the real estate marketing blog.

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Nelson Cantin

My web page could us help. What can I do how much would it cost I need more traffic. I want to attract buyers for leads to help them and sell properties

Thanks Nelson Cantin


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