One of the Oldest Web Writing Guidelines

The inverted pyramid. An age-old journalistic trick. And the blogger’s best friend.

Some think it’s worthless. Others alter it. Yet, anyone who writes online–including you–will find it’s the most effective formula in your arsenal.

In fact, it’s critical in any search engine optimization strategy you have.

What Is the Inverted Pyramid?

Essentially, the inverted pyramid style means that you give the most important or interesting details first, and then continue to dribble less important information throughout the body of the content.

Ideally, you’ll want to give the most important content in the first paragraph, and save the least important content for last.

The first sentence should answer the two most important questions about the subject of your content: Who and What.

The Who is who your page is about–be it a person, a resource or a place—and the What is what happened to that person, business or place.

The inverted pyramid can help your SEO copywriting endeavor in two ways:

1. The most important information is mentioned at the very start, thereby helping the readers understand the summary of our webpage.

2. Your most important keywords (which will necessarily correlate with the most important information) get displayed at the top. Thereby increasing the chances that the search engines take notice of our web page.

Why Is SEO Important?

This may seem like a strange characteristic of a real estate website, but it’s actually crucial: Search engines, in addition to page content, look at the number of links pointing into Web pages.

Often, the more inbound links a Website has, all other things being equal, the higher in the search rankings it will appear.

By providing creative, unique and regularly updated content on your website or blog, other people will want to link to your site.

But optimizing your website for both search engines and people needn’t be a trade-off.

Where’s the Balance Between SEO and People?

There’s significant overlap between the tasks required to reach these two objectives, and this overlap can be used to our advantage.

It shouldn’t be too challenging to create a Website that users can find easily via the search engines, and use once they reach it.

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Useful article on Web Writing Guidelines.Thanks.


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