To Cold Call or Not to Cold Call

I’m not sure how you feel about cold calling, but I feel getting 2-4 new listings from knocking on only 20 doors worth the stinking effort.

Of course, if you don’t like to cold call, it never hurts to enlist the help of a simple sign rider. Sign riders could triple that number.

Besides, cold calling seems…well, ancient?…in this age of the social-networking siteswikis and folksonomies and the new marketplace conversation, what some call Web 2.0.

What do you think?

I know that I’ve been saying cold calling is dead for a long, long time…but does Web 2.0 drive the stake through the heart of cold calling?

Or is there still a place in real estate for cold calling?

Does a strategy of approaching the ten houses to the left and the ten houses to the right really constitute cold calling?

I mean, you have a warm opening in the sense that you can approach the neighbor and say “Hey, I’m helping your neighbor Linda sell her house, and I was just wondering….”

What do you think?

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Larry Paun

cold calling yuk. my partner and I have people calling FSBO’s for us and the grind is always commissions. there has to be another way. our cost is in the neighborhood of 2k per month. does anyone have some actual ideas


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